Cutting and wrestling

I got up and went to town with Cindy at 4:30 yesterday morning. Dropped her off then I went to Rapid, ate a leisurely breakfast and then off to watch the cattle cutting. Saw some people I knew and had fun watching them moves by them cutting horses. Wow! When I win the lottery, I will have one to play with! 🙂

I ran over to Tandy’s to get some saddle soap, but they didn’t have what I wanted, but did have a pretty good sale on some elk skins, so I got a big hide to make Chance a new pair of chaps. He doesn’t need them right away, but is still wearing the chinks I made for him almost 10 years ago. So I think it’s time.

Then I drove back to Sturgis, picked up Cindy and off to Lead to watch Gabe and Lige wrestle. 500 kids there wrestling, they said. Sure were lots of them. Not sure how they ended up, but Gabe had one at least one by a pin and had a bye and then had an opponent leave, so he had some points. His last match he got pinned. Lige lost all his. He is just not real aggressive. More of a surfer dude. “Totally rad and gnarly, dude!”

I took some pictures but they didn’t turn out very well.

We came back to Sturgis, had a burger, got some groceries and came home. Cindy is fighting a cold and I have about got mine whipped. Going to be another beautiful day. Looks like it might cool off a bit this week, but still not bad. Interesting to me that there is a huge snow storm south of us, and it is this nice here.

3 thoughts on “Cutting and wrestling

  1. I bet the wrestling matches were fun to watch, as long as they had fun..what the heck it teaches them all about sportsmanship! Still warmish here..especialyl for February..I keep thinking the boom will drop one of these days:(

  2. I was in Sioux Falls yesterday and went past the Rapid sign as I was on 29. Man, my husband and I sure love it out in the hills! Miss it, we will have to make a trip out there soon. We were out to see the buffalo sale at Custer. Awesome.
    Fairchild Farmgirl

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